Behind The Candys

Anyone would know what it was candy, including your baby. By type, there are so many kinds of candy. Call it the gum, jelly candy, soft candy, candy crystals, and many others. There is also a chocolate candy or candy caramel sugar-based which is warming up to change color to yellow-brown. The form itself is equally diverse, from a round, oval, long, square up the forms of animals or objects resemble cute little pet. Not to mention that is also very diverse pattern like a rainbow. Feel like? Wow, would also vary. Whether it's sweet, sour, taste ginger, mint or other flavors.

If you want details, what the hell are contained in a candy? Include the following:

* Sucrose and glucose

The main component is a sugar candy in scientific language is called sucrose. Most of the candy tastes sweet because of containing sucrose or sugar. That's why the candy is also called confectionery. While glucose is generally well contained within the chewing gum to improve texture that feels soft when enjoyed.

* Saccharin or cyclamate

Is an artificial sugar that produces an extremely sweet taste. These artificial sugars usually cause a bitter taste / bitterness on the tongue of consumers. This material is now rarely used anymore.

* Malic acid or citric acid

An organic acid is added to candy to give a sour taste or fresh like oranges, strawberries or other fruit flavors. When eating candy as if we eat the fruits.

* Substance dye

As a teaser, to the manufacture of sweets is also added to the dye. For example, using the erythrosin red or carmine, while the yellow tartazin.

* Additional substances other

Sometimes candy also contain additives such as milk. But of course implies a very small percentage because usually it is only intended as pencita flavor. There also are using the coffee extract, vanilla, vegetable fat or vegetable fat, lecithin (a substance that is widely available in soybeans). There is also a candy that gets extra fiber substances, particularly soluble fiber such as a gel. This Supplement is intended to bring a sense of delicious candy when bitten. Gel is also derived from the juice and gelatin or gelatin that makes it feel springy. Although there is an additional substance, remains the dominant component of sugar candy.


Among others:

* Includes class junk food

Basically, the calorie content in a single grain is low enough candy. About 20-30 calories. In addition to calories, candy really did not have the nutritional content. Whereas the excess calories consumed will be stacked in the form of fat reserves that led to child overweight. It was common knowledge when obesity is also closely related to diabetes and heart problems. So, if I may be honest in fact one of those junk food candy aka "junk foods" are poor in nutrients.

* Damaging teeth

Actually, the influence of chewing on tooth decay depends on the discipline / child oral hygiene habits. Especially the way he brushed his teeth or clean your teeth as well as how much and how often she ate candy. There are children who like to eat sweets but because of diligent brushing your teeth, do not be a problem. Another story that remains of candy stuck to the teeth are not cleaned as soon as possible, This will then lead to tooth decay (caries). If the tooth is exposed to caries definitely going to hurt. As a result, the child will be fussy but would not eat. The ends are parents themselves who will be overwhelmed to deal with. Whatever, preventing much better than the already affected by caries.

* Reduced appetite

If the candy is consumed at leisure after the child's breakfast or lunch would not be a problem because of its nutritional needs are met during dinner. Unfortunately, the candies are often consumed near the time of eating until the child's appetite. Sugar contained in candy will give full effect to reduce the child's appetite.


* Parents are advised not to let their children eat candy as they pleased.

* Limit your child eat candy. That is, occasionally (eg once a week) is certainly not why children enjoy sweets. To be sure not to make it as a daily dish.

* In order for children are not addicted to eating candy, parents must be very clever to deal with his daily meal in order to vary the dish appealing to the appetite. Cultivate the habit of healthy eating so that their need for balanced nutrition can be met.

* Divert children eating candy craze is slowly on the fruit. In addition to many vitamin content, fruits also contain lots of fiber is good for digestion. Besides good also for the development of jaws and teeth and mouth health.

* Teach children how to clean teeth and maintain proper oral hygiene. That is at least 2 times daily after meals and at bedtime. Remember, eating sweets can initiate the process of tooth decay. You see, the sugar coating easily attaches to the rear surface of the teeth or uneven chewing surfaces. If children have good teeth cleaning habits, the damage might have been avoided.

* It is important also to teach the child refused to take candy from anyone, especially as the return of money from the supermarket.

* Be a good example for children. Forbid children to eat candy will not be effective if you yourself love to eat candy.


Chewing gum containing sugar substitutes, such as xylitol. Substitute material is of course not absolutely able to eliminate dental caries when consumed because it can only reduce the risk of caries. Although there is no benefit, consume excessive gum obviously not good. The problem, in pack of chewing gum does not say how much the amount of sugar substitute sweetener used in a wrapper. For example, in a pack that contains five candies, in one candy that weighs 2.5 to 5 grams contained 10-20 calories.
Because of that, remain adhered to the principle that the candy may be consumed but not excessive, just 1-2 only.