3 Reasons Children's difficult to eat

As a parent you'll often run into problems the child difficult to eat, sometimes even mealtime a time of "war" with your child. Forcing children to eat without knowing the reason why it was difficult to eat will only make him traumatized and afraid to eat. Therefore, before you make a particular decision, find out the cause of the child difficult to eat. Dr. Vimaladewi Lukito, SpA, the talk show "Feeding Difficulty in Children", in Tirtayu Healing Center, Jakarta, Saturday (06/08/2011) and then, suggests several possible reasons below.

1. Abnormality 
The process of eating occurs from entering the food to the mouth, then chewing and swallowing, so that skills and capabilities of the system gross motor movements around the mouth was instrumental in the process of eating. The movement of motor coordination in the form of biting movement, chewing, and swallowing done by muscles in the upper and lower jaws, lips, tongue, and many other muscles around the mouth.

Children are fussy eaters might be experiencing muscle and nerve disorders that cause motor movement in the area around the mouth disturbed. Is a condition called Cerebral Palsy, namely disorders of muscle and nerve function (neuromuscular disorder) that causes abnormalities in the function of limbs, both upper limbs and lower limbs.

This disorder causes the child's difficult to chew, so that eating becomes an unpleasant process. Therapy is needed for children who have this disorder to train the muscle strength around the motor area of ​​his mouth, so that they no longer trouble to chew.

2. Disease 
Disorders of appetite can also be caused by gastrointestinal disorders, acute or chronic infectious diseases (tuberculosis, worms, etc.), food allergy, food intolerance, and so forth. Indigestion is sometimes looked as light as there is no interference. Signs and symptoms that indicate the presence of indigestion is flatulence, frequent hiccups, pass gas frequently, often as if to vomit or vomiting when fed food, vomiting arise easily, especially when crying, screaming, laughing, running, or angry. It is also difficult defecation (bowel movement when the child "ngeden" excess).

3. Picky eaters 
A third possibility and that is probably the most commonly experienced by children is, it includes the "picky eaters" or picky eater. Many things that cause your child to be picky eaters, among others, dislike of one family, the food looks unappealing, or a child seeking attention for pregnant women or mothers again busy with work at the office. Picky eaters typically occurs in young first or only child, because they tend to require more attention than the mother. Usually they are also classified as normal and active.