The Effective Way Kids Reprimand

Every day, your life is not far from asking the children to turn off the television, picking up toys, to bathe him. And this demand is often not only spoken once, but must be repeated. No wonder also if you are also often have half a screaming child to listen and do what's required.

Fact: When you yell, "Come on, you hear a mother, no?", Your child may actually did not hear. Not because your voice less loud, but because of the way we reprove less effective. The result is the same as when you are nagging short-term partner or customer service at the mall-just diiyakan but not done.

So how so you do not need to "pull the vein" every time you ask your child to do something? Try to apply these four tips:

1. Do not compete with television screens, video games, and music.
Useless to you talk when they're focused the other way, because they will not listen. Turn off the television and music, or have the children put down his game for a while, then talk to him.

2. Ask him staring at you.
Children will feel you are serious when they asked to look towards you. So, when once you talk to and he does not listen, tell him, "Let you see here. Mother anymore talk, ya." After his eyes staring at you, then repeat your request.

3. Do not scream.
On the one hand, screaming can satisfy your sense of annoyance because it is not considered. However, on the other hand, you are considered a child screams as a sign that you're angry. He will not understand that what you want is him his toys. No wonder that instead of moving, instead he would sit nicely but does not do what you ask. Express your desire with a calm and firm voice, then your message will be well received.

4. Rhetorical sentences will not work.  
Maybe the child would not respond when you are scolded, "How many times, hell, my mother had to tell you to put dirty clothes in the basket?" But this message will not get into his mind and he will still leave his dirty clothes in the room. So rather than waste time and effort by rhetorical sentences such as this, it is better to say directly what you want, "Put your dirty clothes in the basket. Now."